The Shroud heads out in the middle of the crowd, neither first nor last and drives back to her lair to stow her van and the most illegal parts of her arsenal. When she got to her actual home, she started by raiding her fridge for some of Mei Ling's noodles... she hadn't touched the BBQ, though it certainly smelled good. Lifting the shroud to take a quick drink of water was the only thing she'd tried for eating with it on, and she wasn't about to show her face to a bunch of strangers who were involved in the supernatural. Naturally, her maid caught her in the act, offered to make something fresh and was angling for details of the mysterious meeting. "It was mysterious, with mysterious new people, but we're having a party on Saturday.

She went about her usual business until Saturday, though she did do a little Google Earth searching about the quarry for good spots to snipe from, condition of the roads and such.