Wuffles latches onto the unarmoured leg and tears at it, locking it in place for Bernie to deliver two quick strikes that pierce through its chest, sending blood spattering everywhere. The fighter falls, dead. Flames burn away at the other veteran in the melee as calcifer teleports away with Bernie and Wuffles in tow, leaving the veteran unmarked. Though Ayalla follows up with her own flames, the veteran pushes on through the pain, swinging his blade at the spirit caster, though she dodges away from it.

From atop the tower, Leif calls down a wave of tidal water upon the dragon, but the mighty beast holds fast to the side of the cliff, twisting its wings to shield itself against the tumultuous force. The remaining veteran takes a potshot at her with his bow, though the long distance over a windy ravine makes it go wide. He disappears down the tower out of sight.

Spoiler: Map

Wuffles and Bernie finish off the left Veteran, while Ayalla and Calcifer damage the right one, though it stays standing.
The dragon makes its save vs. Tidal Wave (18+7=25) so stays clinging to the cliff edge.

I rolled poorly on attack rolls; the veteran slashes at Ayalla, and misses. The other veteran shoots at Leif, and also misses. He then moves down the tower.

Paul is up.

Initiative Order:
HVet: (1d20)[20]

Paul:(1d20+1)[15] BLESSED

HReg: (1d20)[14]
HH: (1d20)[12]
HSer: (1d20)[12]
Oz: (1d20)[6]

Jorr: (1d20)[5]
Wuffles: (1d20)[3] BLESSED
Bernie: (1d20)[2] BLESSED
Leif: (1d20)[1]
Ayalla: (1d20)[1]