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    Titan in the Playground
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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: IC Rise of the Grand Admiral - Episode I - Finishing the Fight

    Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post
    Over comms - Hey Boss (Coralej) we have movement ten armed B-1's headed this way, better get a move on that back-up because we are going to be shooting here soon.

    then to the clones, Check your energy packs and get an extra out, wait for the heavy blaster to have range before firing, then target the lead droids. maybe we will get lucky and they will break and fall back.

    then to the engineers keep your heads down and get that dish online fast

    setting her blaster rifle to kill, and her blaster pistol to kill
    Relay station: “copy that,” one of the clones says.

    The three of them check their weapons and take prone positions at the edge of the roof to reduce their profile.

    Security sub-level:

    Able to see in the dark, ax takes a look inside the room and noticed several open crates and some debris on the floor. The track appears to branch six ways inside the room, and against the far wall, a single small maintenance / loader droid sits in a charging station.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2023-06-02 at 08:43 PM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig