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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Girl Genius XXXII: The scientific method at work!

    "And that's the family sense of design". The Heterodynes do build their creations to last.

    EDIT: New strip.

    Alas, young student in blue. That blow appears to be lethal, since it features a rather large gout of blood. A fell creation of the Heterodynes which is old and slow is still more than a match for you. Also, did you not watch it soak being blasted by the Professor at point-blank range? And you were going to hit it with a hammer? Truly you have failed your final exam in "FSMADD: Practical Applications".

    Now, will Humongulous be able to Lyft the FSMADD? If so, throwing it back into the room it came out of might be a good start.
    Last edited by Shining Wrath; 2023-06-05 at 07:44 AM.
    This ... is my signature finishing move!

    "It's never good when you make a fiend cringe" - MadGrady

    According to some online quiz, I'm a 6th level TN Wizard. They didn't give me full XP for all the monsters I've defeated while daydreaming.

    I am a Ranger Archetype: Gleaming Warden (thx to Ninja Prawn)