Circling around the edge of the tower, Paul uses the remaining cloak of darkness to launch two shots at the far tower, skewering the hobgoblin with magic before it can effect an evasion.

The remaining regular rushes forward, almost fully crossing the bridge, though still not able to bring his sword to bear, while the sergeant hacks away at the fighter with his greatsword. Bernie evades one strike, but takes the other one hard. Jorr takes the opportunity to take a potshot at the sergeant, but he's not able to properly find an angle, and the bolt soars away into darkness.

Though you can't see it, you hear a draconic roar from the seat of the ravine, and the churning of claw on rock as it begins its climb back up towards you.

Spoiler: Map

Unseen advantage saves Paul's rolls, killing the hobgoblin regular on the tower.
The remaining regular dashes forward.
The sergeant attacks Bernie twice, hitting once for 10 (and I may have just remembered his HAM), 27/54 remaining.
The dragon reaches the bottom of the cliff, and begins climbing back up the side, dashing to do so so, but no climb speed means it's still slow going.

Jorr shoots the Sergeant, and misses.

Wuffles, Bernie, Leif, and Ayalla are up.

Initiative Order:
HVet: (1d20)[20]

Paul:(1d20+1)[15] BLESSED

HReg: (1d20)[14]
HH: (1d20)[12]
HSer: (1d20)[12]
Oz: (1d20)[6]

Jorr: (1d20)[5]
Wuffles: (1d20)[3] BLESSED
Bernie: (1d20)[2] BLESSED
Leif: (1d20)[1]
Ayalla: (1d20)[1]