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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: [WFRP2e] The Power of One - Part 2 - "Transire Benefaciendo"


    Trantio is not so grand as Remas, or even Verezzo; atleast, not in scale. It is an inland city like Verezzo, situated on one of many hills in a region of them halfway between the Appucini mountains (and trade from the dwarf holds) in the east, and its port-dotted coastline (and trade from the New World) arrayed along the Gulf of Pearls. It was once the poor sister of Miragliano and Remas and Pavona around it; but that was many centuries ago. Since then, it has been profiting from being the single major beneficiary of trade and treasure expeditions to the New World where Marco Colombo’s adventures made it clear that intercontinental profit was perilous… but potentially nation-changing. Your trio wanders the massive Central Piazza, which is a larger market than any you have ever seen. With the flying machine safely tucked away on the estate of one of Cestié’s old Miragleanan friends who also moved south (though not as south as Cestié), he and Bella are free to walk with you on a day of indulgence, and also to pick up more maintenance supply for the machine after more days of flying. You and the old tinker are in agreement - wood is cheap enough to replace as soon as it shows sign of stress; and it’s much easier to do so on a clear day of strolling like this instead of when you are plunging out of the sky trying to compensate for a snapped wing.

    Old Trantio is located inside the city’s inner wall, with New Trantio existing in the concentric ring around it, constructed during the centuries long age of prosperity that followed Marco Colombo’s successes. The exterior wall, its gatehouses and towers, are particularly intimidating in size and quality; made with help from dwarven castellans who themselves profit from Trantio’s trade power. Indeed, there are more dwarves here in Trantio per human than in the other cities you have seen, for sure.

    “Gaulfredo’s family is from around these parts - not the city, I think; but if you listen you can hear his twang in their accent,”
    Signore Cestié explains. And you can hear it - you’ve known for a while that Gaulfredo (more even than his good sister) has a way of almost ‘swinging’ his emphasis from consonant to consonant, dipping down into the vowels and back up creating a certain meter to his conversation, where the Verezzan natives were more plainspoken, and not so different from the Remans. Cestié’s Miragleanan accent is distinct too - putting an odd little surrussive flush on the ‘s’ sound so that every ‘s’ is almost an ‘sh’. Bella’s Luccinian accent hasn’t lept out at you - but perhaps she has merely adapted well, or Luccinians do not have distinct accents.

    Bella windowshops at the stalls, but has lived humbly and never really craved wealth. “We’ve a little time for some fun before we head back - what do you think, Taalia?”

    Spoiler: Trantio Tourism
    Some options for your perusal - pick two!

    Visit the Trantine Greyhound track!

    Marvel at the Trantine Printing Press!

    See what the Dwarf Quarter has to Offer!

    Witness the Triumph of Marco Columbo - a Museum of the Legend himself!

    Browse the Grand Statuary, an artistic in this city known for its marble quarries!
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2023-05-29 at 06:27 AM.