Right after Victor finishes, Karl curses under his breath in German. He bites his lip, expression written on his face then says to Anna, "I'm sorry. He raises a point. The tracker... we should collect it before the cops find it. Those devices can be traced back to us. Won't be a Masquerade breach, but not worth the headache." He turns to Gabe, then back to Anna. "I will go alone, as I will be able to remain hidden and Anna, you will need to deal with the interrogation," he says, giving a nervous glare at Victor. With a grin he adds, "Who knows, maybe I'll find something else out while I am there."

Gabe will give his Sire a questioning look, but says nothing. Unless anyone else speaks up, Victor will disappear into the night to rush back to the motel.

The Ghoul moans a little when the gun is pressed into his head. The door opens even as Anna's hand is finishing its last knock. Antoine stands at the entrance, a scowl on his dark face. His eyes go wide when he sees the wounded Ghoul, and he says through gritted teeth, "I am so glad you brought him here." You can see animal fury behind the man's eyes, The Beast hungry for revenge, barely remaining chained.