Bella, reanimated by your call and given opportunity by the duelling monsters before her, skitters back two clumsy steps and then seems to find her feet again. She is operating by spook-light, but there is enough for her to race around the conflict and over to you, where she crowds in behind your right shoulder, the muzzle of Leonardo protruding past you.

"Taalia! Taalia, what are they doing?" Bella asks, her voice still dry, but lowered as if she fears calling attention to them. The bare answer is obvious - this spirit and this skeleton are fighting. The meaningful answer, the question of what they are accomplishing by doing this, remains unsolved. The skeleton takes another pair of furious swipes at the spirit; but it drifts back and to the side from the assault, and lashes out with its empty hand. The fingers of its spectral hand stretch and contract at the beginning and end of the blow, and the strike seems to pass through the bones of the shoulder and part of the rib cage. It passes through the remnants of the armor, and through the bones; but the blow does not seem to be without mass entirely - one of the rips cracks and splits off, skittering along on the floor.

...And as you watch the pair dance and strike at each other, you watch the detached rib skip and hop across the floor, pursuing its parent skeleton. It flops end over end like a bobbling, ossified leech; too slow to catch up, but utterly undeterrred. Perhaps, given the opportunity, it would skitter up to its point of departure and reattach by the same profane power it moves.

Spoiler: OOC:
It is Taalia (and Bella's) turn again. The enemies seem occupied with each other. Of the three directions exiting this room, the only one you haven't been through is hallway from which the skeleton just emerged.
The other passages lead back to the ballroom, and the bedroom (presuming they have retained their dimensional integrity!)