R4T17: Aasgar goes into full defense mode for the moment and says, "I think you may have me confused with someone else. We have you outnumbered and surrounded. Put down your weapons and let's sort this out."

As Aasgar finishes his appeal, for that is what it sounded more like with him as he was more focused on the energy to protect himself than really scare the archer, his wounds begin to show (28).

R4T16.5: Galakhar taps Gharmez with the wand for another 8 healing. Knowing what is about to happen he pleads with Gharmez, "Worry either about the very best defense you can muster, or the very best healing. Because of that snake catches hold of you, m'lady, you're done. Don't underestimate it."

He studies the snake carefully, though with Gharmez' fallen form he is powerless to do much right now.

R4T16: Abenor steps off the stairs to flank with Aasgar, but gives the intensity of danger that Aasgar lacked. "My dwarven friend has the right of it. You are flanked. Your mobility is impacted. Surrender. You are skilled. Don't waste those years of effort in a gutwater bilge on a nameless riverboat."

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

Gharmez, what do you do? You have nothing in hand and you are prone on a 5-foot-wide bilge walkway with a constrictor snake staring you in the face. Blessed be the Golden Lord, but you feel better than you did thanks to Galakhar, but you also suffered under the incredible power and strength of these coils.

Chokehold on deck, Archer in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker dropped. PRONE!!!
Chokehold: 23.2.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/Rapid shot.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. TD! 1 round fallow.
Galakhar: 16.5. Studied combat on Chokehold til R13T16.5.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style.