The party repositions themselves, Bernie moving to curve around to stay in the path of the Hellhound from reaching Leif as she gets into position to bring down the dragon. Both she and Ayalla ready spells, as two of the awakened hobgoblins - armourless and barely clutching their weapons - dash down the bridge proper towards you. It's a surprise they're even wearing boots.

Spoiler: Map

Wuffles moves and then uses a readied action to follow Bernie (Puppet) after he moves and Dodges.
Leif (Puppet) moves and readies an Earthbind cast for the dragon appearing.
Ayalla readies her Sacred Flame cast.

The two sleepy-vets move+dash down the bridge. The remaining one, still lacking any targets to shoot due to the big towers, readies another attack.

Paul is up.

Initiative Order:
HVet: (1d20)[20]

Paul:(1d20+1)[15] BLESSED

HReg: (1d20)[14]
HH: (1d20)[12]
HSer: (1d20)[12]
Oz: (1d20)[6]

Jorr: (1d20)[5]
Wuffles: (1d20)[3] BLESSED
Bernie: (1d20)[2] BLESSED
Leif: (1d20)[1]
Ayalla: (1d20)[1]