The Wold is a long-running Dungeons & Dragons campaign world that emphasizes play-by-post gaming and a commitment to write one game turn every weekday. We are a community of about 65 gamers in nine long-running games, and we are looking for new members. I'm recruiting for first level players for a new game, in which the players are would-be heroes migrating to an embattled dwarf clan to help them survive and thrive. We have openings in current games, too, at higher levels. What do you need to know about the Wold?

• We are here to stay! The campaign dates back to 1985, and we have online archives back to 1996. You can expect to start a character and play through 20 levels over the course of a 10 year career.
• We are free! There’s no cost to join and no test to pass. Check out some of the links below, and if you like us, you are in. As our founder, Jerry says, “There is no tryout or application. My experience is that those players who stay are the ones who would have passed any application or tryout anyway. So I let the players weed themselves out or remain to become a permanent player.”
• We offer a very rich gaming experience! We have our own homegrown gods, nations, races, and peoples; we have custom classes, spells, feats, items, and more — all detailed in our own wiki. We play by the Pathfinder 1E flavor of the Dungeons and Dragons rules these days, but we are eager and glad to teach players who need help.
• We focus on heroic themes! All our player characters are Good. Feel free to create a troubled and conflicted character, so long as you are interested in redemption, nobility, and overcoming obstacles to become a true hero.
• We are a friendly community of people from all over the world, from all walks of life, and of all ages! The gaming groups that stick together over time are the ones in which players become friends, and we encourage that.

Check out the following links to get started:

Woldian Games:

The Woldipedia:

For more information, please e-mail me:
Cayzle - [email protected]