Paul's firebolt catches another hobgoblin - this one apparently made of weaker stuff than the first, as the combined strikes kill it swiftly, pushing its body away from the tower's edge. This second hobgoblin death seems to finally urge the dragon to act, as it descends from its tower in a great sloping curve, dipping beneath the bridge and the edge of the cliff out of sight. The remaining archers - one on the bridge, the other in the northwest tower - both loose arrows at the party, but find that between distance and darkness, they struggle to hit anything.

When the remaining hellhound moves forward, Jorr dips back and looses another crossbow bolt at it, striking it in the haunch despite its best efforts to evade.

Spoiler: Map

Paul kills the hobgoblin regular (I know it's hard to tell which is which - the veterans are the 'darker' tokens, the regulars are the ones with more silver-y metal).

Another regular emerges from a tent, equally groggy.
The one in the northwest tower shoots at Paul, and misses.
The one on the bridge shoots at Leif, and misses.
The sergeant calls out a yell to his allies.
The Hellhound moves forwards a little bit and Dodges, unable to reach any of the party with its movement this turn.
The dragon swoops down; it's beneath the lip of the cliff, so unless you are on the edge you won't be able to target it.

Jorr shoots at the Hellhound, and despite disadvantage hits for 10.

Everyone-but-Paul is up.

Initiative Order:
HVet: (1d20)[20]

Paul:(1d20+1)[15] BLESSED

HReg: (1d20)[14]
HH: (1d20)[12]
HSer: (1d20)[12]
Oz: (1d20)[6]

Jorr: (1d20)[5]
Wuffles: (1d20)[3] BLESSED
Bernie: (1d20)[2] BLESSED
Leif: (1d20)[1]
Ayalla: (1d20)[1]