Garden of Nurgle: The Only Thing They Fear...
(The appropriate music for fighting Daemons is always "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" here.)
The beams of light and plasma blast through much of the diseased jungle and thick canopies in front of you, bushes, animals, zombies, daemons, the burning light searing them all away down to obsidian and ash, indeed clearing the way all around them. When the beams clear and only a field of glass in the immediate area.....but as you look into the distance you see....a seemingly infinite number of Daemons of Nurgle in the distance extending to the horizon: Plaguebearers and Nurglings forming the bulk of the force marching as a horde, a green diseased tide, with Great Unclean Ones leading them here and there, these greater daemons true numbers unknown but it said to be a total 7,777,777 in number in accordance with Nurgle's sacred number of seven, each one a gargantuan mound of diseased flesh much like their creator, each one capable of bringing disease to entire worlds and killing millions. In the sky swarms of giant flies such Bloat flies, Rot Flies, Battle Flies fly towards you, the buzzing of their wings filling the air and combining into this great, deep vibrating roar. Sludge-grubs, Cursemites, Eyestinger Swarms march toward you as well, accompanied by walking carnivorous trees with big vertical mouths with rows of teeth known as feculent gnarlmaws with fungus growing off of their branches here and there, while numerous Glitchlings cackle amid the Nurgling ranks waiting to leap upon the technology they see to make it malfunction.

But that is not all. Rising amid this infinite tide of Daemons are giant green worms with great circular maws, as long and big as skyscrapers, swarms of locusts to join in with the flies, zombie bears green with disease with their entrails hanging out acting as extra limbs, Daemon Engines such as plaguereapers taking the form of tanks with diseased fleshy growths on them, flying mechanical blight drones, plague hulks which are basically big fat nurgle daemons with cybernetic scorpion legs, various giant mechs that were once imperial knights now infested with fungal growths all over them with rust everywhere else yet somehow still functional, giant diseased crows and buzzards flying on dread flocks with entropic laser guns attached to them, giant roaches and molluscoids used as mounts or enhanced with vehicular cybernetics like missile launchers and las-cannons, what looks like walking mushrooms marching in unison, and underneath their feet a lower tide of rats scurrying under the entire host, and various other diseased, undying horrors, monstrosities and nightmares big and small each one capable of giving a hypochondriac a heart attack with the mere sight of them, each and every member of Nurgle's forces smiling in joy, thrilled to bring Nurgle's gift of decay and disease to all of you. If there are any Death Guard space marines among the endless horde of Daemons as far as any form of perception allows, you do not see them and they would be a small number compared to the daemonic forces that Nurgle has at his command and would likely be elsewhere anyways.

Beyond all of them, you see The Blighted Mansion of Misery and Mirth, the home of Nurgle in the far distance, the source of the Aeldari signal. The Mansion is slowly trying to get more distance from you. Yes you read that right: the mansion itself. Given your readings.....there are likely just as many Daemons there. Wherever you go, there will be Daemons, swarming you. This is Nurgle's realm, and he is not letting you traipse around without a fight, and will pull out all the stops.

Ensara glares at all this while another Tzeentch-crow appears before her
"Okay, tried to be nice, but: Make a deal with me, I'll help you in lots of ways, including perhaps helping you out with Nurgle here. And if you don't I'll make sure to use my influence with the Warp's timelessness to extend your stay here so that you run out your group's entire personal jumpchain time so that your entire jump here is spent in the Warp while one day or a second passes outside! I'll make sure all your efforts will be for nothing! So take the deal or you'll-"
Ensara punches the crow out of existence, destroying the messenger without even looking at it.
"Shut up Tzeentch, don't need you anymore. Frode! Make sure the time stays synced up no matter what! Tzeentch is angry that I'm not taking his deal, he will screw us all over if he gets the chance."
She then calls out Zinara, focusing the Chaos-Repelling Pattern on her Defining Soul instead of herself. she didn't need the field, she could resist such warping effects herself. She then walks forward, raising her left hand.
"And guys? Don't worry about what I summon next. Everything I summon using mana are nothing but constructs. I'll just summon more if they die."
Mana flows through her hand as utters a spell and a horde of fire elementals suddenly appear, as well as lava elementals, lightning elementals, strange paradoxical elementals called weirds made of combinations of elements, various metal golems and dragons of intricate steampunk and clock-punk like artifice, her own demons of black mana and darkness from imps to bigger devil like ones many of them mixing with red mana to carry weapons of hellfire, even demon dragons flying in the sky, as well as ice elementals, as well as mimics copying the forms of the forces beside them, a force of elementals, demons and intricate magitech artifice forming her own army of monstrosities and terrors in response to Nurgle's fetid horde. She raises the Devil-Devouring Blade to her own army with a grin
"C'mon! You didn't think the fun would end because of a couple blasts did you!? Time for some Daemon slaying! Charge my army! Show them why I'm Esnara, Infernal Exalted, Chosen of the Yozis!"
Her forces and Nurgles then charge at each other, clashing in a chaotic melee. Ensara's forces weren't as big as Nurgle's, but they would help. Ensara for her part is wielding the Devil-Devouring Blade for its exact intended purpose: It chomps through Daemon after daemon, devouring them whole sometimes multiple tongues lashing out from the blade to stick to daemons like a frogs tongue then drag them into it, or using her blades tongue to rip a rusted blade from one daemon to ram it into the skull of another, other times teeth grow on the blades edge and rotate like a chainsaw while her strikes become like a whirlwind of swordmanship as she runs around manic slaughtering them, other times she unleashes demons from the Devil-Devouring Blade, various past demonic victims of the blade flying out in chains to the blade to attack their nurglite foes clawing them or grabbing them to drag them back in to join them as one of the blade's victims and recruits. The blade itself seemed immune to disease no matter how nurgle daemons it devours. Sometimes her fist lights with green flame and punches that burn the daemon to cinders mix in with her crimson-whirlwind slashes sword-swings.

Around her, her army battles Nurgles forces, fire elementals burning everything they touch, lightning elementals speeding around shocking every daemon they run through, dragons both mechanical and demonic blast fire through the swarms of giant flies, weirds of ice-fire, electro-bubbles and watersand do strange things like burn and freeze at the same time or drown them in wet yet dry matter, imps attacking bigger nurgle daemons in packs and taking them down like a gang beating down a lone man, mechanical animals and golems fighting daemon engines, while black mana demons across the multiverse of Magic the Gathering fought Nurgle demons ruthlessly and without emrcy. It was a battle in a kind of hell, for war is hell, and both sides at monsters, but at Ensara's side were YOUR monsters.

But despite all this, there will still be demons attacking you, unleashing plagues, blasts of magical entropy, attacking with rust-swords inflicting poisons and disease, firing maggot-bullets that will try to burrow and eat you, and other such horrors. From the forces gathered and attacking you in such numbers it seems....they fear you quite a lot indeed.

(Do not feel worried or limited to describing only one action to describing how you deal with all this however you want to. This is very much intended for you to go ham here and show off what you can do to these things or what your good at, because this universe isn't running out of them without some serious fixing, and they so very much deserve whatever they get)