Wait, Mammaries Evans will just keep what she confiscates and let other people smoke it? Seriously, how does "legal" work here?

Of course, one could think that Evans is acting like that to make sure Claire gets what she wants, even if it means going against the most basic principles of law enforcement.

And there's the whole carousel around it -- you can't just confiscate stuff like that, you are supposed to send illegal drugs to a lab for testing. So there was no testing. And now Evans has a stash of drugs that were confiscated by her, but were originally acquired through unknown means, and may contain more or less anything, from Fentanyl to cyanide to linseed oil, and she explicitly said she doesn't know what it precisely is, and she's now offering it to civilians.

Wow. This beats Moustache RoboCop getting drunk in a bar while wearing his uniform.