After wrapping up Against the Idol of the Sun, my players voted 3-1 in favor of the 1-20 campaign that I have ready to go... which is Baldur's Gate II (SoA+TOB). After writing ~295 pages for AIOS, and then having to edit it all, I am looking forward to something that takes relatively minimal preparation. I can draw entirely from online maps, and already have pre-stocked D&D-suitable dungeons with loot, traps, etc. There will be some adapting, but it's stuff I can do on the fly, or in a few minutes between sessions.

We are going to do weekly(ish) on Sunday nights. IOS took 2.5 years for 42 sessions, with most being in the 2.5-3 hr range (7:30-10:30) if everyone ran on time. Starting at 6:15-6:30 on Sundays (after something that happens on Sundays that I can't talk about per forum rules) means we can run until about 10pm and still get 3.5 hours in, possibly stretching to 4hrs if needed. I'm pretty excited about it.

I plan to write this up as a campaign log like my last two. This one's not going to get published on the DM's Guild, but I still enjoy writing these up, and apparently a few people like reading them.

Spoilers will abound for a 20+ year old CPRG. None of my players have played it, and I have stopped mentioning the name so nobody will be tempted to look it up. If you're playing in this game, you know it. Don't read this thread. The game starts next week, as running D&D on Mother's Day (USA) would be a bad idea.

I'm going to reserve the rest of this post for character info, on the theory that I will occasionally come back and update it.