Hylusi Quaternaros, Magus of Bleakpines
Magework Necromancer
Darkvision: 60ft
AC: 15 HP: 32/32 THP: 11
PP: 14 PIv: 14 PIs: 11
Concentrating on: Maximillian's Earthern Grasp
3/5 d6 HD
Arcane recovery 0/1
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 2/3 2nd, 1/2 3rd
Fingerbone staff 4/10
Alchemical treats: 7/7 granting 3THP

Quote Originally Posted by Princeling
"Excitable books?" Prince Doredan asks incredulously. There is no doubt in his mind that capable magi could create such a thing, but it begs the question "What use would there be in making a book that gets excitable? Do they bounce around when you try to read them? Is this a fey thing?" he turns to some of their companions at the last question.
The Magus gave the Prince a bemused look.
<Bouncing about? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.> she told him. <The interactions between their spellworks and the contained necromantic energies within had merely animated them and possessed them with a drive to consume life. It is not unheard of with more powerful texts, as their arcanic signature is innately attuned to the animation of dead matter->

Perhaps the necromancer would have expoused more on her (very) distant library had ruffians not chosen that moment to attempt a robbery.
A robbery!

As if a man selling meat on sticks just a short while ago could rob a scion of Bleakpines and still walk away in a manner not controlled by necromantic mastery.

<You,> she sent to them calmly, <Have just made a very terminal mistake.>

The Prince, disregarding words, dashed forward, but the marketman deflected his strike. She smiled, a thin, cruel thing.
<Ha. Try this instead, Prince!>

Two things happened. Her gorelings boiled forth from under her robes as Hylusi raised a slender grey hand and thrust it into the air, pulling the fingers into a fist. With a groaning creak, an enormous skeletal hand burst from the ground and clamped ivory fingers around the triton. He exclaimed as the bones tried to crush the life out of him - and then the gorelings arrived. Restrained as he was, there was little he could do to save himself. With gleeful shrieks, the hands hurled themselves at the fishman with careless abandon, some of them even richoeting off the conujured bones of the crushing spell. But enough got in they began to eat, and within a few seconds, the triton was nothing more than a shrivelled husk inside the skeletal grip.

<Worthless filth,> her icy voice echoed in the heads of their assailants. <Begone. You are unworthy of my attention.>

Spoiler: OOC

Action: casts maxmillian's earthern hand skeleton flavour
BA: order gorelings forward, death of the triton confirmed on discord
Reaction: shield if necessary