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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Tzardok's Miscellaneous Homebrew Repository

    Hah, it's a great feeling seeing the views tick up, only lessened by the fact that so few people post. But no matter, let's keep the thread from falling too far.

    New Creature: Just for Pun 2

    This is just something I cobbled together over two days. I hope it's still enjoyable.

    Mind Rape
    Tiny Plant (Psionic, Swarm)
    Hit Dice: 9d8+18 (58 hp)
    Initiative: +5
    Speed: -
    Amor Class: 16 (+1 Dex, +2 size, +3 natural), touch 13, Flat footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-
    Attack: Swarm attack (2d6 plus distract)
    Full Attack: Swarm attack (2d6 plus distract)
    Space/Reach: 10 ft/0 ft
    Special Attacks: Distract (DC 16), psi-like abilities
    Special Qualities: Empathic communication, half damage from slashing and piercing, hive mind, low-light vision, plant traits, swarm traits, vulnerability to fire
    Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +6
    Abilities: Str 4, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 17
    Skills: Spot +15
    Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Penetration
    Environment: Temperate plains
    Organisation: Patch (1-6)
    Challenge Rating: 7
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Advancement: -
    Level Adjustment: -

    Mind rape is a yellow flower resembling a rapeseed, but doesn't grow higher than a foot. The plant's roots and stem have small knots that give them the appearance of nerves. A single mind rape plant has a dull mind and a spark of psionic ability, but no ability to communicate or to use psychic abilities. Only in the wild nature, where the plant grows in dense patches, can the flowers bundle their powers. A patch of mind rape usually uses its abilities to control creatures into fighting off herbivores, clearing rocks or fallen trees away that hurt the plants or keep them from getting enough sun, to spread their seed or in rare cases to fertilize the ground with their corpses.
    For obvious reasons, mind rape is dangerous to domesticate, but some communities with a high percentage of manifesters still try because of the properties of its oil.

    Empathic Communication (Su): A patch of mind rape can empathically communicate emotions and desires. This is not as nuanced as spoken or telepathic communication, but usually enough to give simple commands.
    Hive Mind (Ex): Any patch of mind rape with at least 1 hit point per Hit Die a hive mind, giving it psionic abilities. When a patch of mind rape is reduced below this hit point threshold, it loses access to its psi-like abilities and its empathic communication.
    Psi-like abilities: At will – cloud mind (DC 15), id insinuation* (four targets, DC 18), mental disruption* (20 ft. spread, DC 16), psionic grease (DC 14); 3/day – death urge (DC 17), psionic dominate* (additionally affects animals, fey, giants, magical beasts and monstrous humanoids, DC 18) ; 1/day – mind thrust* (9d10 damage, DC 18). 9th manifester level, DC is based on Cha.
    *Augmentations for high ML already included.

    Mind rape oil
    Like normal rapeseed, the plant and especially its seed has a high oil content. This oil grants food prepared with it a energetizing taste that seems to clear the mind. A manifester eating food fried in mind rape oil gains temporary power points equal to their manifester level that last for 1 hour. A character can receive this benefit only once every 8 hours.
    Food fried in mind rape oil costs 10 gp.