Taalia Giovanni

Taalia was drawn up in the spectacle, the spirit of sport and competition seeping into her mind and animating her in ways she would have otherwise thought of as undignified and silly. After all it was just a silly game. A bunch of men in uniforms hit each other with sticks while a mad dwarf changed allegiances in accordance with possession of a 'spud', and to this end they could become grievously injured, even killed.

But it wasn't just a game! It was a competition! It was tribal warfare at it's most friendly, where lines were drawn, flags were waved and allegiances were solidified as our guys beat the hell out of their guys, thus proving we are better! And this rampant affiliation drew its influence across the whole crowd as Taalia cheered and boo'ed, covered her eyes, buried them against Bella's shoulder at times and even drew both arms up when cheering during a particularly extravagant display.

But then - disaster. Taalia's eyes were wide and her gloved hands covering her open, gasping mouth as the seemingly youngest lad of the team took a body-charge from one particularly dishonourable and goonish member of the Reman team, the Crack! heard from even where she sat in the bleachers and her mind immediately returning to poor Ernesto and his back injury that might leave him a cripple for life. Seeing this clear violation of good sportsmanship, Taalia cupped her mouth with her hands and "Boo!!" loudly with others, before the rest of the scrap unfolded and revealed the terrible price for ill-discipline.

Disaster. Again!

Both teams were badly mauled, with the Remans almost coming off worse. But then the rules factored into it, and a quick head count revealed the shocking truth: the Verezzans were down one. They would have to forfeit.

"Ah, pity, pity! Lost three fighters to a string of fouls - entitled to a reserve substitute, but 'course all the Gallants are lined up in the villages on the Pavonan border, not hanging out in a Reman alley waiting for their miracle debut, har har! Pity, pity; if it'd happened the other way 'round, they could've annointed any bloody Reman they liked; but fighting Verezzans are in low supply, alas..."

Taalia turned her head to take in what the rambling old drunk was blabbering, the sight of his own grand-daughter peering in irritation with narrowed eyes in her grandfathers direction a doubtless source of comedy for another time. But if what he said was true...

There were times when people were faced with the choice of playing it safe, or doing something incredibly stupid, brave, rash, opportunistic or a mix of all four. When she had thrown that poison wind globe back in Rashabangs workshop was one time. When she had charged the troll had been another. Blowing a hole open in the wall of The Tower and then waving down to the people was likely the most recent.

And this was another.

Taalia didn't think, she just acted.

"Hold my ale!" she said to Bella, gesturing the mug out for her friend to seize before she stood upright and strode to the railing where she leaned over it and bellowed down to the beleaguered man.
