Choosing to circle away from the bridge's direction for now, you head west down the old track, though keeping to the woods...just in case. After some time it comes to an abrupt end in the shadow of a fairly large hill that looms up from the surrounding woodlands. At the base of the hill sits a collapsed ruin of what was once a massive and probably quite impressive wooden fortress. Given its size, it was likely once a giant's dwelling, rather than one for humanoids. Whole trees were used to form the walls, but now the whole thing is little more than a heap of moss-covered, rotting logs. A thin curl of smoke rises up from a great fire pit in the middle of the old walls, where an enormous boar sizzles on a spit the size of a lance. A giant sits by the fire, turning the spit and muttering to himself in his own language. He is - as one might expect for a giant - extraordinarily tall, and quite lean, with stooped shoulders, earth-yellow skin marked by angry red blotches, and a wild mane and ear of tangled green hair. He easily tops ten feet even while sitting on the ground.

Spoiler: OOC

You've got your choice of how to approach.