There's only so many plans one can make before you have to execute them, and with night already settling in, any further ideas will have to wait until the morning. Though you set a watch and hunker down inside the fortress, your rest goes mercifully undisturbed. Whatever patrols the goblins have out (if any), they don't return to the keep that night, and you're gone in the morning.

Day 3

After sending off the animal messengers in the morning, you turn towards the north, following the guidance to head to Skull Gorge. Jorr keeps you off the roads as requested, and you steadily make your way through the dense forests. Though you occasionally get close to some wildlife, both your own skills and that of your woodsman guide keep you from stumbling into them and you're able to evade, and keep your resources in tip-top shape for whatever battle is to come.

The morning is...boring. Light clouds hang overhead to cast everything in an even colour but for the most part it's a lot of dense trees and nature trails. Early into the afternoon, Jorr guides you across a crossroads, crossing over the Main Road by necessity if you wish to get to Skull Gorge. The forest has grown more ominous here, and the track splits in different directions - to the east leads up towards Skull Gorge, but to the west you see a massive effigy, perhaps fifteen feet tall in all. It's vaguely humanoid in shape, with a sagging, moss-covered frame. The thing looks almost like a crude, giant-sized skeleton. Birds nest happily in the massive barrel that serves as the effigy's head. Jorr remarks it wasn't here the last time he came by, though that was a good few months ago.

Spoiler: Int (Nature), DC13

This is a territorial marker of a tribe of giants.
Spoiler: DC17

Specifically forest giants, though it's a little bit cruder than you'd normally expect.