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    Ogre in the Playground
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    The Frozen Northlands

    Default Re: [DnD 5e] Playthings in an Interplanar Dollhouse- A Path of the Planebreaker Adven

    The Landing

    Darli Kos reaches to a scroll case at her side and withdraws a rolled up parchment. "I can do you one better than to TELL you where the Mantis is. I have a map that I can pass on to you. The Interpreter's guild wishes all newcomers to Timeborne well." She rolls out a simple map with some hand written notes on it.

    Spoiler: Map of Timeborne

    She turns her attention to the Magus and shrugs in response to her question. "How long does it take to forget the memory of your third kiss as a young person? Or your first time skinning your knee? These buildings are like the memories of the city, plucked from various worlds across the multiverse. If people settle into a building and see to it's upkeep, it isn't forgotten as easily. If no one pays much attention to a building, it fades from the city like childhood memories, or drawings left out in the rain. The process is slow, but it happens when no one is around to notice, so it goes unnoted by all but the Preservationist's Enclave. If you want to know what buildings are available, they are the ones to ask. On the other hand, I wouldn't worry about your alchemy being frowned upon at the Cantina. As long as you're not actively hurting anyone, you'd be surprised by the level of acceptance in Timeborne."

    Some images TM and © 2022 Monte Cook Games, LLC.
    Last edited by purepolarpanzer; 2023-05-03 at 10:58 AM.
    The Bear is Back.