Prince Doredan
Human Martial Bard 5
AC: 14 HP: 24/33
PP: 9 PIv: 11 PIs: 9
Conditions: ---
Standing Reaction: Dodge Roll if critically hit or if hit while at 12 hit points or less (1/encounter)

The Landing

Doredan rubs his chin. Staking a claim of their own does sound appealing, and he supposes that's how those babbling xvarts managed to obtain real estate on the moon. On the other hand, the matters of obtaining food would fall upon them rather than a hosting cantina. "I think that staking any claims to property should wait until we are more knowledgeable about this place and what to expect," he voices to the rest of the party, though he could be swayed in the other direction if they preferred the adventurous route.