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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

  1. - Top - End - #263
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    “Don’t worry about it,” Drake replies to Keith as he moves to look out the window. While he does enjoy the view, he’s also keeping an eye out for anything out the ordinary.

    “Aimee was preoccupied with a certain East Side hero,” Natasha says with a chuckle as she types away on her laptop. “I doubt she would have noticed. I had a great time Saturday. It was great getting to hang out with James for while and getting to see Nolan. Mr. Shaw was a little intimidating, but he’s very cordial and I got to sit back and mostly listen while he talked to James and Nolan.”

    Her expression grows a little pinched as Keith asks how her week has gone. “It’s been… hectic. I have so much work and not enough hours in a day to do it. On top of that, I haven’t been feeling too well, so it just makes everything a little harder.”

    John feels a mental nod from Emi. I know you’ll be careful.

    A pause. My father says that you can visit the roof after hours for tonight. He cleared with Seraph as well.

    Stella nods, following along with Raphael’s explanation. Her gaze is fixed on their intertwined hands. “Do you think you could talk to Feris and ask if we could meet again?” she asks, looking up at her boyfriend. “Of course, don’t put yourself in a bad spot over it. Vampire politics are still… unfamiliar to me, so I don’t want to ask you something that could get you in trouble with him.”

    “But I would really, really like to speak with her,” Stella says softly before she seems to realize something and shakes her head. “On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t. John said that she has an adoptive family back in Illinois, didn’t he? Maybe it’s best if she doesn’t know about… what’s left of her old family.”

    Raphael can smell the beginnings of tears again.

    “Ma famille est brisée… Ça ne peut plus jamais être pareil,” she mumbles in French, looking back down at her lap. “C'est probablement mieux si elle ne le savait pas.”

    Spoiler: Translation
    My family is broken. It can’t ever be the same again. It’s probably best if she didn’t know about it.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-04-29 at 04:22 AM.