Leif Fochlucan
Tiefling Wildfire Druid
HP: 18/38, AC: 16
Conditions: None
Spell Slots: 1st: 0/4, 2nd: 0/3, 3rd: 0/2

Thanks to Ayalla's and Paul's care, Leif feels a decent bit better but she's still knackered and Calcifer is visibly concerned over her current physical state. It's been a long day and they've fought their way through a lot of... problems... but if the map was any indication then the problems were just beginning to reveal themselves. "Just what have we found ourselves in the middle of?" Leif muses to herself.

Leif then wanders into what she assumes is this Koth guy's room and starts perusing the notes written in Infernal to see if she can make heads or tails of any of it.
History check: (1d20)[15]