R1T7: Pushing forward Grum drops south to be beside the skeletal thing. ”Aye, I’ve not time fer you today..” he grunts as wielding the massive blade defensively he lashes out and readies to party. His akashic blade destroys the skeleton, and left behind in the rubble is a Tiny creature that is very strange and bug-like.
Spoiler: OOC
Hard corner. He had to take a move action to get to that point. I am sneaky; I already updated chakra power's damage into your weapons chart.

R1T5: Joey leaves that initial room, taking the lantern with him, leaving only Helena's magical light to help the two humans remaining in the first room.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

"There it is! The ostovite! It's a magical creature, not an actual bug of any kind," calls out Sal. He doesn't even bother trying to waste an arrow shooting at so small a creature in that scrum, but doesn't get in Helena's way, either.

R2T22: Gwennid, her light-spear now gone, reaches out her hand and fires a dart of magic at it to strike the ostovite for 3.

R2T20: Not knowing what's in store for it, it moves into Grum's space, but the dwarf drops his blade on it for 22 with a grievous strike, and the thing stops moving after giving a hideous little shriek.

Combat Ends...

Drake will stamp on it several times for good measure.

"Yeah, no," says Sal as he comes in to collect his errant arrow, "it's not like I didn't want to study it to maybe find out more about the dangers it represents if there are more of them."