Sal lets Drake do the heavy lifting. Both Grum and Drake have to thong/holster their weapons to get a good purchase on the final sarcophagus lid but Grum's prodigious strength. Grum can tell, though that while not a physically "stacked," Drake possesses a powerfully muscled body on a lean frame himself.

The lid is moved aside fully and out pops a strange, small figure that startles both Grum and Drake. If it were on the ground it would be only a few inches shorter than Grum (4' 2") but with far less mass (not quite 50 lbs., considered Small). The little creature is covered head to toe in slats of wood and leaves and vines. It seems to have some type of leafy clothes covering another layer of vegetative clothing underneath the outer layer, and definitely some type of mask made of an oversized nut of some sort, and only glowing green eyes are visible to the face. It is definitely NOT a gnome, or if so, is some strange variant Grum has never seen before.

On the other hand, Helena DOES recognize what this creatures is, and that those are not tangled wooden sticks but actually ... once it would unfurl itself .. a type of fey creature known as a gathlain.
Spoiler: gathlain
1) Fey creature ... which means that they tend to be a little easier to take down (if you get past any resistance to mortal weapons it may have, usually as overcome by cold iron), and tends to have strong, alien mind and quick reflexes but bodies with exploitable weaknesses.

2) Despite their size, gathlain are as quick on the ground as a human, much faster than other Small creatures (similar to a goblin). But they can also fly a little faster than that, like an very athletic human, but the wood-and-vine nature of their wings make them clumsy flyers.

3) They often have powers related to nature. The most common ability is to make local vegetation to come alive and entrap, ensnare, and hinder pursuers on the ground.

Drake instantly pulls out his sidearm, but Sal says, "Drake, wait!"

"For what? We're monster hunters. This thing's a frickin' monster. We put monsters down. What is there to discuss?"