Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 1st
“Come in,” Keith hears Seraph say through the door as he knocks.

Upon opening it, he sees that the angel is working on some paperwork, and typing on a small laptop. There are neat stacks of papers and documents on either side of his desk, and numerous folders and stacks of blank forms organized behind him on several shelves within easy reach.

There are two leather chairs in front of the desk. Seraph gestures for him to take a seat in one before he sets aside the form he was working on and sits his pen beside it.

“Mimi said you wanted to talk,” he says, looking up at Keith after checking his phone. “What can I help with?”
Keith thanks Mimi as he makes his way over. The office had looked similar to Apex's, just maybe a little less forms.

He smiles as he enters and nods in thanks at first. He takes a seat and realizes that the chairs are a slight bit more comfortable than what he had seen in Apex's office. That was AEGIS for you though.

"Yes sir, and thank you for taking time to speak with me." Keith nodded gratefully at Seraph before his face held a look of hesitation.

"It…. Sorta concerns what I told you last Wednesday about the assignment my uncle gave me, but there's somethin' I have to do first."

"I want to learn to be a better hero, and a smarter one. And something I didn't say before was that when they told me I'd be on your team, I was ecstatic! I want to learn more from you, if possible."

Keith couldn't hide the grin he had worn the first day there and when he heard it would be Seraph's team.

"I knew you were one of the most fair heroes in the city, and being on your team has made me certain that you're the right person for me to learn from."

"I know that there's a lot on your plate, but I did want to know if it would be possible. And I'd be happy to help with anything you need as well, though I know I can't go on night patrol due to curfew, whatever would be of more assistance."