Ayalla Nazonda
Spirit Medium
HP: 15/33, HD: 5/5, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
Conditions: None
Spell Slots: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
HP: 25/31, HD: 5/5, AC: 16
Ayalla pushes through the pain and steps into the gap in the wall and calls forth scared flames on the dire wolf that the goblin is riding then ducks back into the bailey and crouches down to avoid arrows.
Wuffles tries to bite the Hobgoblin again.
Spoiler: OOC
Sacred Flame on the left dire wolf then drop prone in cover.
Sacred Flame: DC 15 Dex save (1d20)[2] or take (2d8)[9] radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.
Bite: (1d20+6)[14], piercing damage (2d4+3)[6], if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw (1d20)[20] or be knocked prone.
Advantage (1d20+6)[9] (Pack Tactics)