Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
It's a wood mephit, not a plant mephit (propably made by a wu jen somewhere). Like, if it were a meat mephit, I'd also have it heal when touching a grilled steak in addition to living animals.
Heh. Fair enough. Don't mind me being me. (Also, the Semi-Elemental Plane of Meat sounds like a fun place.)

I dunno, it feels not right. It allows you to hide as a tree, yes, but the Plane of Wood is IIRC a gaint tree, as is Yggdrasil, and hiding as a small tree on a bigger tree is kinda eh. Besides, this way it can hide effectively in worked wood too.
The Plane of Wood is a big tree indeed – but it's a big tree with trees (and other planties) growing all over it! But yeah, fair again. I just happen to like Tree Shape.