Galakhar, now refreshed, "I appreciate the positive energy stimulant, my lady. But we have news, and we may have need of your continued services, if Abadar would approve. Something about a stowaway ... and as stowaways are those who refuse to pay passage for the service of transit, surely that should enliven thee. Let me see you that I may judge your current wellness."

Galakhar does a basic check on Gharmez. "Too late to administer soothe syrup, which is a preventative only, not a purgative. Cici? Does your herbalism help? She is no longer poisoned, but her body suffers significant imbalance in the humors from that sedative."

Cici looks over Gharmez as well and says, "Actually, yes. Gharmez, I want you to take this leaf-wrapped herbal mash."

Gharmez, do you take said item that she proffers?