With a running leap, Bernie clambers up the side of the building, jumping far higher than the manticore perhaps expected from a man clad in full plate. It allows the fighter to strike first, cutting a gash down its flank, but the follow up is knocked aside by the creature's tail. It lunges for Bernie, but the skilled fighter twists his armour to absorb fang and claw and the beast doesn't manage to deal any damage beyond aesthetic. With a vast wingbeat it turns to fly away, exposing its back. A foolish move, it seems, as Bernie strikes it from behind, drawing yet more blood. The manticore seems to ignore the yelling of the flying bugbear as it flies away north, away from the party - and the battlefield.

The hobgoblins do not give up. Two run in with blades drawn at Calcifer. One misses, perhaps kept at bay by the heat, but the other one lops off a length of flame. The final remaining hob choose not to get close, instead preferring a ranged assault against Ayalla, but the genasi simply dodges it with an elegant shift.

Spoiler: Map

Bernie hits on the first attack, sadly misses with the second.

The manticore attempts to claw and bite Bernie, but (narrowly) misses on one thanks to the infusion , and flubs the other two.
It then flies away, provoking an OA which I rolled, which turned out to be a crit for 16. It is barely still alive and now appears to be in retreat. It's 75ft in the air on its map position.

Now that the web is gone, two of the hobs rush in with swords. One hits Calcifer for 8, the other misses. The other shoots at Ayalla with their bow, and also misses.

Everyone but Bernie is up.

Initiative Order:-
Jorr: 19

G: 16
K: 13

Bernie: 11

M+H: 11
Man: 10

Paul: 6
Ayalla: 5
Wuffles: 3
Leif: 1