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    Titan in the Playground
    Thundercracker's Avatar

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    Oct 2011

    Default Re: IC Rise of the Grand Admiral - Episode I - Finishing the Fight

    Comm Station:
    The message opens up.

    Message acknowledged, thank you for your concern. Primary defense force below 50% effectiveness, initiating secondary defense protocol.

    From the entrance of the comm station, just outside the walls of the Security Zone, you can see three other buildings contained within the Inner Courtyard. One is the repaired Power Station, directly ahead of you. To your left about a hundred feet away, near the center of the Inner Courtyard, is a squat, two-story round building with a partially collapsed wall. Beyond that, you can see a pair of landing pads (directly opposite the power station), and a long flat building near the corner of the Inner Courtyard. The outer wall has been breached near the long flat building, and you can see a grassy field and the forest beyond.

    The sun has started to drift near the side mountain, and soon the entire comm relay station will fall into the shadow, though sunset is still probably several hours away.
    Last edited by Thundercracker; 2023-04-10 at 03:54 AM.
    TC for short

    "I like the sense of chaos this game provides. OOC, I like that I cannot know every available avenue, but that I can pursue whatever avenue I so choose. IC, I like that what I am doing has consequences. It's very very real." --Noedig