First Minute Complete, Second Minute ...

Despite all of Galakhar's brilliant medical attention and the significant help from the antitoxin, Gharmez had completely emptied herself today of spells in assisting the crew's task, and her body is "primed" to accept the secondary effect of the tainted food .... and she falls unconscious.

Aasgar's dwarven constitution holds so firmly, that he burns off the remains of the poison in his body (no more saves needed). Dwarven persistence helps, and Aasgar doesn't "let" the coxswain fall unconscious. But she isn't out of the woods yet, still fighting off the secondary effects of what is surely a poison, rather than simply tainted food. Some type of sedative, it would seem.

Thanks to Cici's remedy, Abenor need fight no longer, and he attends to Kurst. With the help of elven medicine hybridized with desert healing, Kurst is now fully in the clear.

Cici makes and administers a quick remedy to the captain, and the effect ends. Unfortunately, she was so focused on the captain, that the poison catches up to her and weakens her. Worse, her little weasel familiar Lucette now feels it, and is weakened.

Galakhar's not a tough older man, but he is clever, and it is his cleverness that finally and fully clears the poison in his system.

So, to recap ... Aasgar, Abenor, Galakhar, Kurst, and Captain Bloodtusk are clear, though Abenor and the captain are weakened.

Cici, Lucette, and the coxswain are weakened and still fighting, though the coxswain might pull through clear if Aasgar stays with her.

Aasgar, what do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Aasgar: Clear!
Abenor: Weakened. Clear!
Cici: Weakened.
Galakhar: Clear!
Kurst: Clear!
Lucette: Weakened.

Captain Bloodtusk: Weakened. Clear!
Coxswain Halrex: Weakened. 1 save.

Gharmez: Weakened + unconscious 1d4 hours, and sickened for 24 hours.