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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Out in The Sticks

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV


    Nightgaunt pulls his helmet off and runs his hand through his hair as Redline brings the training session to a close. He nods along with his friend's assessment of getting out on the streets and actually doing the work.

    When the team breaks up, he heads to the kitchen and sucks down a blood bag before heading to the garage to see the land-bound members off.

    After, he takes to the sky as a spread out handful of crows, every so often dropping to a rooftop or alleyway to check in with the team.

    Live Fire Exercise:

    The sound of torn metal and shrieking civilians reaches up to Nightgaunt through the fog. He spirals down, lower, seeing the bull chase the Monte Carlo. The murder of crows joins the chase, flapping wildly as the flock coalesces into a single bird.

    The crow swoops down on the bull as Augur begins to distract it, a burst of red light and Nightgaunt appears, raking his claws down the bull's back, trying to draw it's attention away from his new teammate.

    He feels that familiar, cherry red coal of fury spark to life in his chest, accompanied by the far less familiar, and even less welcome sensation of fear and concern.

    Not another one. he thinks, his teeth grit together.

    Spoiler: End of Session, OOC, mechanics, whatnot

    Charge Burn!
    - I rolled the wrong tab first, even though this says "directly Engage" it was supposed to be my charge burn roll (hence no modifier)

    Nightgaunt has 2/3 burn!
    Nightgaunt became...
    Angry, because. Well. It's Raph.
    Guilty & Insecure - a combination of how unseriously he takes some of this sometimes, and his worry about Augur's safety as the newbie and, however slippery, normal he is. We can't lose anymore!

    Directly Engage (the normal way!) 8
    +2 to Fighting roll
    I'm going to give Redline an Opportunity, he draws and plays an adventure card!

    Fighting roll: 6.... +1 more from Gang Up = 7....
    why the heck not.
    Benny That! (+2 from Elan, +1 from Gang-Up, +2 from Directly Engage): 5, for a total of 10

    Damage! 14 If I was gonna roll this badly, I should've used burn and doubled it.

    End of Session:
    No EXP for me
    1 Potential

    Moves/Bennies reset!

    Generic End of Session Move:

    After pursuing the doctor with Dee, Redline, and Menagerie, and how that scenario concluded, Raphael is feeling pretty good about himself, he feels like he got one over on Cassandra.

    Raphael isn't super thrilled with John's willingness to abandon Laura, but given how narrowly Raphael applies his own care and empathy, he doesn't feel like something's severed between them.

    Nightgaunt grows into his own image of himself... Putting one over on Cassandra and starting to really emerse himself in the local vampire body politik has increased his Superior and lowered his Savior

    Doomed End of Session Move:
    Null and Void per GM, it's only been a day after all.

    Reminder: Everyone draws an additional card due to Reinforcements, including me!

    Label Shift for Crowe:

    After watching Keith eat pavement, but still remain committed to the life, even after getting skunked in the training exercise, Nightgaunt doesn't think of Crowe as being a 'troubleshooter', but appreciates his determination to grow.

    Danger down, Savior up. Raphael sees Crowe as less of a combatant, but willing to put himself on the line to win.
    Last edited by big teej; 2023-04-07 at 04:16 PM.