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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    May 2020
    Right behind you

    Default Re: Questionable Content XIX: Give Jeph Just A *Little* Credit, Here

    Yeah, I get the intent of "guys, isn't dropping your phone in the toilet and resulting stuff relatable", and it could have fit in parts of early QC (when still done well), but he really shouldn't have picked the "actually 1000 years old tween" character to do it with. Not to mention he could just have'em drop the phone in the toilet as they enter, as someone who's inebriated might do, thus evading the nudity which isn't at all necessary here?

    Could be I'm simply all out of credit to give Jeph, but it just seems an odd choice, might be he's deliberately trying to stir up some stuff for views. Probably succesfully once it reaches reddit.
    Last edited by Taevyr; 2023-04-05 at 05:26 AM.