R2T9: As he feels the cut into his leg Akif's brow furrows in irritation as he snarls, "You dare touch me, clock work monster," he mutters as he leans in stabbing with the spear with an elegant thrust to the monster's chest for 29 mod (and himself gaining 13 healing) before following up with a savage smash from his shield into its abdomen for 16 mod.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

Myki, seeing the battle well in hand and no way to get to the foe, steps down to the door to the east and carefully listens. As calmly as if there were no battle she says, "I saw something like an indoor garden through the window this way when we came in. I sense no latent danger, and hear signs of no creature past this portal."

R3T27: With an impressive bit of footwork The Scribe darts over, fails a disarm against the soldier, and then heads north next to the double doors.

R3T21: The soldier counters with a cut against the side of Akif's right knee for 12 mod before attacking Sisir and being beaten back by a shield.

R3T18: Iluvar, what do you do?

Sisir on deck, Akif in the hole ...