As Aasgar realizes he can store more veils for tactical options at the expense of energy that he hasn't yet learned to really shift properly yet, he goes for discovery over energy management. For a person with the powers of a vizier but not the true training path, this is probably the wisest course of action. And so, while he cannot directly access the following without retiring frostweave, his mind and spirit wanders to see how he might shape the akashic magic within.

Should he need to hone his senses and understanding of others while easily piercing the veil that shows the hidden color ... the color of magic ... he forms lenses of air, fire, water, and earth to be connected to his headband chakra.
Spoiler: Unlocked
Unlock Spectacles of the Sheikh (Headband).

However, he might need to convince someone - through truth or reason - of the rightness of his words, so from the same chakra he forms the means to subtly affect the receptiveness of his words in others.
Spoiler: Unlock
Unlock Alluring Voice (Headband).

Another possibility, stemming from the last veil discovered, is less about convincing but more about speaking in a way that is to be heard without voice ... to speak directly to the mind of someone nearby.
Spoiler: Unlock
Unlock Adamant Crown (Head).

The captain, once apprised of Gharmez's Great Gift, directs the placement of the many ant hauls across the whole of his crew, and while not an Abadaran, he has no problem thanking Gharmez and giving Abadar a little recognition for making his men mighty, indeed.

It is a hard day of work indeed, and Galakhar - like yestereve - is not helping in the kitchen but supervising efforts at the merrow dam. With Gharmez' spell and Galakhar's engineering supervision, the keelboat completely dismantles the merrow dam for all vessel traffic by late afternoon! It is too late to move onward today, as it takes time with the hitching and so forth of the horses, but that actually means the crew will dine well already camped, rather than trying to eat on the go for a late night mooring as happens sometimes.

Aasgar, are you happy using the frostweave through the day, or would you have any reason to switch that veil out with any of the others for some reason?