November 1st
Spoiler: Meanwhile, up on the Roof
Grayson lets out an inner sigh of relief as the roof of East Side base comes into view. While the dragon was still in control, he was at least home.

Home. When had he started thinking about it like that?

The dragon flares his wings and beats them powerfully as he lands. He allows his concealing fog to dissipate and lays down, wrapping his tail around him. Flying around the city was one thing, flying over a hundred miles nonstop was another. He was exhausted.

His eyes are just starting to slip closed as the door to the roof access opens.

The scent of his wanted mate hits his nose and he opens one eye, taking in her beauty. Her eyes are wide, full of concern as she carefully makes her way closer.

“Grayson?” she asks softly. She takes a few more steps until she stands only a few feet away.

She was so beautiful.

The dragon shifts his head, slowly moving toward her, until his nose touches the palm that she stretches out to meet him. Her touch is warm. He lets out a low, humming growl, as close to a purr as a dragon can get.

Emi smiles. He can feel her reach out with her mind, trying to connect to him, but he keeps his thoughts closed to her. He didn’t want to scare her.

I know we have an hour or two left, but could we switch back? Please? Grayson asks the dragon. I think she would feel better if we did.

I think you are correct, the dragon replies as Emi pats his nose. As much as I don’t want to admit it. Or move.

The dragon closes his eyes and activates the magic that switches their bodies.

Grayson opens his eyes and finds himself only a foot away from Emi. His heart almost stops as her eyes immediately get glassy and wet. “Emi, I’m sorry. I-I’ll go if you want,” he almost whispers.

She shakes her head, then pulls him into a tight embrace.

His mind almost can’t comprehend his reality. Her scent and warmth threatens to overwhelm him. Was this… really happening? He thought she would’ve been mad at him, not… this.

The dragon nudges him, and he very slowly curls his arms around her, returning her hug. “I’m sorry I left,” he says. Finding courage from the dragon and Emi’s wordless happiness at his presence, he reaches up to stroke her hair once before he remembers himself. She was John’s girlfriend, not his.

Though he snarls in his head, the dragon doesn’t cause him any pain. Do not mention that man while we have her in our arms.

“I didn’t know if you were going to come back,” Emi says into his shoulder. He smells a little bit of salt and his heart drops again. He’d made her cry.

“I’ll always come back,” he assures her as he gently holds the psychic.

The base is quiet as John enters, and Emi doesn’t reply to him. As he looks around with his lens through the common areas, he sees nothing, until he looks up to the roof.

He sees the dragon, laying down on the roof. Emi is just inches away from his fangs with her hand resting on his snout. There’s a flash of muted light and the dragon is replaced by Grayson, still wearing the same hoodie and gym shorts from last night.

Emi looks at him for a moment before she pulls him into a tight embrace. It takes Grayson no small amount of time, but he returns her hug, stroking her hair once before he returns his hand to her back.

“Yeah,” Drake says as Keith brings up being trouble in a fight. “We need to talk about that later.”

He looks down and grimaces at the fresh blood. “I’ve had worse,” he assures the shadowmancer as they board.

While he usually stands, Drake opts to take a seat. Every bump in the road makes him clench his jaw as his injuries are jostled.

Izzy glances over at Quinn and smiles, shaking her head. “No. She can’t play an instrument to save her life,” she says with a good-natured smile. “My dad’s a jazz pianist, and he been teaching me to play since I was little. I’ve just always liked the jazzy, funk stuff.”

“Sidney was the head baker here,” Stella says. “I don’t know how she does it, but her baking is almost always delicious.”

As the news comes on, Yuki watches and her hand creeps up to cover her mouth as Drake is injured. Even with Sophia’s assurance, she still looks concerned.