(OOC: Immaterial Martial Arts aren't canon, they are an entirely fanmade creation by me, so don't worry about them.)

"Well, I've been gathering this tech for more than just curiosity- its to replicate it, and some guns can pierce the Space Marine armor. I could do a bolt gun for you and that should work for piercing those armor and thats probably the most familiar to a normal gun. I'm going to get some Eldar guns however and probably going to gather even more stuff so if you ever want more, never hesitate to ask."
She will go to the Craftworld to do some negotiations for eldar technology. After some time, she will come back with all the spirit stones gone and various Eldar devices and weapons they can spare obtained.

If you have any questions or things you want do involving interacting with Craftworld Ulthwe, please state now as while they're your allies they are going different places and won't be in contact with you. Kareabryn will take a room to herself and will seek out Ensara to ask:
"You have interesting martial arts, where did you learn them?"
"Creation for some of them, Gaia for others. I didn't know this universe knew of such things to recognize what they are."
"Well....your mostly right, long ago in the old Eldar Empire, there was techniques called Immaterial Martial Arts that harnessed Warp energy for various fighting techniques, and the Eldar had tournaments to fight for enjoyment and the glory of Khaine. They are now....lost for the most part. I learned my own style from delving into some ruins as a pathfinder, though I'm pretty sure there are Exodite Eldar out there who still maintain them for self defense- basically Eldar who discarded higher technology to live simpler lives."
Ensara looks up from the device she was working on her eyes alight with interest
"There are Immaterial Martial Arts? Fascinating! If I could find a way to learn them they'd be something quite unique to add to my repertoire."
"....Well thats fine, but you'd need to figure out how to use warp energy first. While your powers are great, they aren't native to this galaxy."
Ensara thinks about this, reminded of Tzeentch's offer. With the perk she could get, this wouldn't be a problem at all. It was tempting. So tempting. A part of her even knows her perk to make deals with demons might apply to Tzeentch and thus maybe might allow her to escape the deal with some loophole. Another part thought of how she might be able to get back Shanari, she would be angry at her for doing so, but she'd be alive at least. The problem was someone like Alex or Edward. They might not approve. She might have to discuss Tzeentch's offer to them to get their opinions on this. But not anyone else. Something like this required...delicacy.
"....I'm sure I'll figure something out Kaera." she says with a roguish smile "And when I do we can perhaps learn them together."
"Well, you did a lot of impossible things back there so maybe you can pull that off? I'm not sure what to think of someone who is foreign to....the universe itself."
"Oh, you'll find I'm full of surprises, Kaera, we all are."

Ensara will ask Edward and Alex to meet her in private to discuss something. Whether they attend is up to them.