
Blinking at the sudden movement, Sisir focuses his gaze on the figure ahead of him once again. "With me, if you please" he says, his voice booming as he steps forward, swinging his mace as he does so, striking out twice at the head of the automaton.

Spoiler: Action!

Swift Action: Hypnotic Stare on Blue. It takes -3 to Will Saves and Attack Rolls. If the target is immune to mind-affecting effects, then it +2 to any related saves and have a 50% chance to ignore the Stare's effect every round.

Free Action: Speak & make a 5' step NE.

Full Round Action: Make two Mace attacks against Blue.

Attack Roll #1: (1d20+14)[18]
Damage Roll #1: (2d6+8)[19] Bludgeoning damage and trigger the first Painful Stare of the round dealing (2d6+4)[8] Precision damage and forcing a DC 20 Will Save vs becoming Confused for 1 round, for which it rolls twice to determine its actions while confused, and I choose which roll to use.

Attack Roll #2: (1d20+9)[28]
Damage Roll #2: (2d6+8)[13] Bludgeoning damage and trigger the second Painful Stare of the round dealing (2d6+4)[11] Precision damage and forcing the same save as above.

Tricks: If anyone with Mask Misery implanted become affected by any moderate condition as defined by Touch Treatment, activate Mask Misery.

Other: Should Sisir fail to trigger Painful Stare twice on his own turn, he will attempt to trigger it any time Blue gets hit before his next turn, up to a maximum of two time in the round. Every such activation will deal 4 precision damage, and force the same save vs confusion as above.