Wren shakes his head and locks the winch in place using the given mechanism.

It is important to note, by the way, that Zauberei's mage armor dropped during the earlier part of the search in this past room. Also, Wren's created light hammer disappears.

Wren searches the door clear, and hears nothing on the other side. He readies the Lopper's axe. Alexandru, as mentioned previously, can now enjoy holding a shield in his hand before breaching. He opens the door to the room beyond.

This guardroom contains a single large table with two chairs astride it and a single sagging cot pushed up against the eastern wall. Several battered cabinets line the northern wall, with a few arrows and bits of chainmail lying scattered on the floor nearby, yet the most eerie sight are the three fractured skulls sitting on the table next to a heavy hammer. It looks as if someone has arranged the fragments of the skulls in some sort of pattern, as if an attempt had been made to construct a fourth skull from the broken fragments of the trio on the table. The leathery body of a long-dead dwarf, his wiry red hair and beard still strangely vibrant in death, lies slumped on the ground behind the table.

Wren says, "The Mosswater Marauder's work, no doubt, and likely his body as well. Marius, you might want to put down your big hammer and take out the Marauder's hammer. This axe seemed particularly effective against the Lopper, and I'm going to assume the same for that hammer against ... it. Okay, everyone, listen up...." and Wren spends three rounds given advice on how to be careful (his Careful Teamwork ability).

What does the party do?