Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 1st
Harbinger shakes his head, taking a step away from the diamond so that there can’t be any accidental contact. “John, the futures that I see? They’re usually bad. Almost always. That’s why I try to fix them if I can, and why I don’t tell people about them if I have one where they’re the star of the show. Fate is a fickle mistress. I wouldn’t want to tempt her.”

“Sorry, John,” he says sincerely. A few gray feathers drift to the floor of the magician’s lab as the angel pulls his wings in tight. “You’ll have to figure that one out in your own.”
“Which part: The future or whether I’m more crazy than usual?” John replied good-naturedly as his hand closed around the diamond.

“I’m sorry, Harbinger,” John replied, returning the particular diamond to its compartment. I didn’t realize you were burdened with being the bearer of solely bad news. Had I known, I would not have asked. I’m no more interested in tempting Fate in that manner, either.

“Given my two current rivals,” he joked, turning to Harbinger with a wry smile, “you would probably announce that I would be arriving to London in time for Arthur Pendragon’s return to face Britain’s greatest threat or, worse, that Amr Pendragon’s line has survived and this generation’s Pendragon has come to sue for Emi’s hand.

John grew more serious. “Thanks for the warning.”

He glanced at Harbinger.

“I’m still a rookie when it comes to sensing the correct path to the future and can’t tell the difference between a sign I am on the correct path and when it’s just wishful thinking. Some signs seem to point towards Christmas but I can’t be sure that isn’t just the diamond I’ll be carrying to London as the Orb or whether the particular diamond is supposed to be in tow as well.”

John rolled his eyes. “I could just bring it and try and keep it a secret. That shouldn’t be too difficult with a family of psychics, right?”