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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Coffee Break

    The line shuffles forward and Sophia's concentration is broken. Finally at the front of the line, Terrence orders his chicory coffee. The blond Latina puts that in and whatever Sophia orders. Now that they're closer, they can see that her handwritten nametag says Isabelle.

    Next in line are Stella and Raphael. As soon as Stella starts to order, the large man behind the counter swings around at the sound of her voice. He comes up behind the cashier and smiles widely at the sorceress and her companions. "Stella! How are you?" he asks.

    "Very well," Stella says taking Raphael's hand.

    He looks behind them to Louis. "Are... uhh, Derrick and his girlfriend coming by today too?"
    The delivery boy shakes his head. "Don't think so. Derrick's got the day off but I guess that could change anytime in theory?"

    "Now let's see..." Louis starts as he steps up to the counter and lets his eyes roll across the menu. "I'll have today's special and you to go with it." He says to the Latina with a playful smile, waiting for the slightest of reactions before correcting himself. "I mean, whatever you recommend to go with it."

    He reaches for his wallet and pauses in realization. "You guys wouldn't happen to accept National Express or IOUs would you? I'm so caffeine deprived I must've forgot to pick up my wallet after someone decided they wanted to drag me out the front door" He sighs as he feigns shooting daggers at Raphael.

    It was a white lie, but the truth would've demanded a more complicated explanation than he wanted to give to the two behind the counter right now. How would you casually explain to someone that you not only have the ability to duplicate yourself but counterfeit money simultaneously?
    Last edited by PK-Leon; 2023-03-20 at 11:37 PM.