November 1st
Quote Originally Posted by Keith
"I feel that. Writer things they don't tell you about right?"
Maeve laughs a bit. "Don't get me started."

Quote Originally Posted by Keith
"It's been goin'," he starts out with a nod. "The newbies seem nice but haven't gotten to talk to them much yet. Mostly spent it with Polaris teaching him a bit of meditation and helping him get better at a few games. He wants to try and impress Mercury at getting better at Kaiju Mega Brawl." He chuckles a bit. "Had a nice chat with him about mythology so it's kinda funny that's the topic of your story too!"
"You mean Aeryn and Drake?" she asks. "I met them Saturday night at the party. They seemed like nice enough guys. Do you guys play a lot of video games? I've never really played a lot; my brothers never let me have a turn when they would have tournaments and stuff. What kinda mythology did you guys talk about?"

Quote Originally Posted by Keith
"How about your day so far?"
"Stressful," she answers honestly. "We have morning drills before our meeting on Monday so I got up at like 4 this morning after being out late last night on patrol with Coldfront. I'm pretty sure I bombed my geography quiz, and I've been busy trying to get this... thing written before its due. I"d normally really enjoy something like this, but not when it's this rushed."

Maeve grimaces, realizing how it sounds as she complains to Keith. "Sorry. I don't mean to like throw all that on you."

Quote Originally Posted by Raphael
He rolls his eyes and makes a show giving an exaggerated sigh before joining the queue to acquire frivolous coffee. "What are you in the mood for?" He asks Stella.
"I'm thinking about getting something that Sidney recommended to me," Stella replies. "A raspberry white mocha cappuccino. It isn't something I've tried before."

The sorceress goes to exchange a glance with Raphael as she overhears part of Sophia's rant, but decides not to say anything while the angel is still within earshot.

Quote Originally Posted by Sophia
Closing her eyes, Sophia settled her attention just behind her forehead, and felt the energy stirring easily. A smile traced her lips, but she then took her attention slightly down and back, a ship riding an inner expanse of utter darkness, until she felt her ship ground on the inner shores of her pineal gland. Her entire inner world became flooded with an unquestioning and unquenchable light.
Looking over at Raphael and Stella, Sophia sees something... odd.

Stella's aura is a smokey purple that floats gently around her. It seems slightly weak, however, like she's been exerting herself.

Raphael, on the other hand, very weirdly doesn't seem to have an aura. There's an emptiness where that light should be full. Looking closer, Sophia can see small wisps of Stella's aura floating around inside of him like his emptiness has swallowed some and is trying to absorb it.

Spoiler: Raphael

The vampire feels Sophia looking at him and Stella. At his very essence.

The line shuffles forward and Sophia's concentration is broken. Finally at the front of the line, Terrence orders his chicory coffee. The blond Latina puts that in and whatever Sophia orders. Now that they're closer, they can see that her handwritten nametag says Isabelle.

Next in line are Stella and Raphael. As soon as Stella starts to order, the large man behind the counter swings around at the sound of her voice. He comes up behind the cashier and smiles widely at the sorceress and her companions. "Stella! How are you?" he asks.

"Very well," Stella says taking Raphael's hand.

He looks behind them to Louis. "Are... uhh, Derrick and his girlfriend coming by today too?"