Meeting with Eldrad:
People in the background will gasp at the thought of the Emperor being atheist and not wanting to be worshipped. Oh no! Something about ten thousand years ago was wrong! This matters.....very little. Except emotionally, probably.

Eldrad will ignore this and continue on.
"So long as you define godhood solely by the fact that one is incredibly psychically powerful, then they are gods, but they're not really gods in any other respect. The Eldar used to have many similar gods killed She Who Thirsts who were more benevolent: Asuryan the Phoenix King whose symbols were fire and light, his Consort Gea, Hoec the Wanderer, Kurnous the God of the Hunt, Lileath Goddess of Dreams and Fortune, Morai-Heg the Crone Goddess of Fate and Souls, and Vaul the Artificer was basically the Eldar god of craftmanship and smithing, all are gods destroyed or devoured by She-Who-Thirsts and thus while we still revere them, we cannot call upon their aid anymore. But notice what didn't happen when they died."
"What....didn't happen?"
Eldrad asks
"Did the stars lose their light just because Asuryan no longer walked the world? Did people stop hunting because Kurnous no longer can? Do people no longer dream, just because Lileath's fate was tragically cut short? Can people no longer smith just because Vaul is dead? All these questions are a resounding "No". Incredibly powerful psychic entities they may be, and perhaps godlike might within them that you may feel calling them a god befits the term, but ultimately the Chaos Gods being called gods is just a shorthand. They are not vital to reality in any way shape or form, just as our gods weren't. Worship isn't even what empowers them, its emotions. The Emperor tried to get rid of all religions in the galaxy not because religion is vital to prayer, but because religion heightens the emotions that people already feel when people do things. When people believe that their actions serve some greater cosmic spiritual purpose, it boosts what they feel because they think it has a greater meaning. but given how the Great Crusade went, worship isn't VITAL to the Chaos Gods, or it would've never happened in the first place. The cults, this whole them its just their psychic energy farm and religion is just the spray they use to make the plants grow faster. Ultimately, any god of the warp is an artificial created being whether on purpose or on accident that if they all dropped dead tomorrow? people would mourn, but the universe would continue on uncaring that they ever existed. In that sense while powerful, they are NOT gods, or at least, not vital divine pillars of reality, because no warp entity is. I say this because the Chaos Gods would want you to believe otherwise, believe that somehow they are vital celestial processes and this is not the case at all- flat out impossible even. They are bound by the same rules as any other warp entity, just like Cegorach, just like Khaine, just the Orks stupid gods and just like all the gods we lost. And if our gods can die and everything can keep on can they.

All this religion, superstition and faith? Is just the perfect environment for the Chaos Gods to manipulate people using mysticism and mummery to cloud their true nature and exploit religious people to dark ends, just like say, a normal cult leader: they talk a great game but at the end of the day their real goal is control and making money. No, the real reason The Emperor failed is because quite simply....he was a ruthless genocidal conquering tyrant who, no matter what his actual beliefs were, killed many many people to force them to follow him which made it very believable that he'd get even worse. do you really think it would've mattered if the Emperor was a religious man as he burned Monarchia? do really think Lorgar would've been any less enraged by him killing an entire planet he had converted peacefully if the Emperor's justification was "they were worshipping the wrong religion" rather than "They were worshipping any religion at all"? No. It wouldn't. In the end, the Chaos Gods would have their servant either way. He was wrong to kill people for being religious but thats because.....its wrong to kill people just for being religious. The cults are just as much victims of the Chaos Gods and their manipulations as anyone else. Horus didn't start out fighting the Emperor for Chaos for the sake of Chaos after all, he started fighting the Emperor because he'd thought he become a power-mad oppressor, with a lot of dead planets, civilizations and species of evidence at the Emperor's and primarchs hands to back that up. What, you thought he turned half the Imperium's forces against itself with a pitch like "come join Chaos and worship demons?" at first? No, such corruption was slow. If the Emperor truly had good intentions for his people, he had a very strange way of showing it."
"Heresy!" Rhiannon says "He killed so many threats to humanity! So many xenos that would want to exploit or wipe us out, or people that wouldn't be loyal to humanity's cause. How is that bad?"
"You assume, Captain Rhiannon that all of alien races were truly threats, that all of the people who disagreed with him truly needed to be wiped out. Perhaps if your histories weren't so buried in needless censorship and revisionism to fit whatever version of religious dogma a particular Imperial wanted to be true, you could point to specific examples where the Emperor or the Imperium were right to call an alien species a threat and wipe them out, but wait! knowledge about alien species is forbidden in your Imperium isn't it? How convenient that all your documents about true information about the alien species you wiped out are either secret, burned for being too curious about the "vile xeno" or lost somewhere in a random Administratum file cabinet! Almost as if your Inquisition disposes of any evidence that your Imperium has been going around killing aliens of varying innocence for ten thousand years."
"the Inquisition keeps such secrets because such information is too horrible for most minds to bear!"
"While I have no doubt that are indeed secrets of this universe of such horror and darkness, I find it ridiculous that all the secrets your Inquisition keeps would be consist solely of that, or that a group of superstitious zealots not versed in proper scientific methods would be able to find so many and judge them accurately- after all if these are secrets humans truly are not meant to know and your entire organizations consists of humans.....then your entire organization isn't fit to know about what your protecting the people from and are damaged by having the secret at all. The simplest most plausible explanation is that you simply lock anything you don't like or get scared of away without knowing what you actually have and the rest of the Imperium muddles through things without a clue what they're doing. And/or things that if got out would make people rebel because surprise surprise, not all humans would like their rulers actions no matter how much propaganda and dogma about hating the xeno, the mutant, the heretic they try to cram down their throats.

Quite simply, the Emperor could've been more open, more cooperative, less violent, less obsessed with controlling everything, perhaps then his own Sons wouldn't think him becoming an oppressive god as something so believable as to rebel against him at the first sign of him not trusting them. After all, if the all-powerful dictator of the galaxy known for a tendency of controlling all he could and destroying whatever he couldn't, keeping secrets, trusting few and treating everyone else as tools for whatever mysterious ends he had planned went off to do something and told no one about what it was....wouldn't you have good reason to think you might be next on the chopping block? Wouldn't you be concerned about him not having anyone's best interests in mind? After all the killing and conquering he has done? Your Imperium dresses up the Horus Heresy as an operatic pageantry of family issues when it doesn't just make it all myth and fable, but really? distrusting and not wanting to be ruled under such a man is entirely reasonable. Its just a shame Chaos likes to corrupt those who see the light."
Rhiannon is quiet as she takes this in and says "...I will my cabin" and walks away.
Eldrad continues.
"But all this, is ancient history, and tangential.

The Forge of Vaul I cannot accept. It is too dangerous."
"Well if the Imperium don't want it, and the Eldar don't want it, perhaps we could use it."
".....While your certainly capable, I'm not sure thats wise. The Forge of Vaul is a roulette wheel, you could theoretically fabricate anything, its just the problem of inevitably causing some random immaterium mishap. you'd be better off finding a fully intact STC, or trying to figure out Necron tech, neither of which use the Immaterium to function and thus are more reliable."
"Perhaps, but we need not use it immediately. With my Exalted brilliance, perhaps I could find a way to improve it or something. If nothing else, its something I can use in a later jump with some perk or ability to fix it up."
"Hm. Very well. Its your risk to take. Don't say I didn't warn you however."
"and what of Kaerabryn now that she is safe?"
"She is a Pathfinder, walking the Path of the Outcaste of her own choice. She goes where she pleases, no matter what her Craftworld prefers. If an individual Eldar wishes to strike out on their own, knowing the grim state of affairs of our race and the galaxy, there is little we can do and if worst comes to worst, they will at least be able to live their life how they prefer before the Rhana Dandra, the End Times."
Kaerabryn turns to Ensara
"I think I'll stay on this ship, you Jumpers seem to be interesting and if your on the quest you say you are, why not come along? You'll need all the help you can get for fixing this galaxy. And it wouldn't be the first time an Eldar has spent time on a Rogue Trader vessel."
"What will you do now, Farseer Eldrad of Ulthwe?"
"I'd say we are allies, Jumpers of the Saber. We will probably go through the Webway to somewhere more safe, whenever your ready to depart. I'd suggest finding more allies regardless of whether you go towards the Black Library or not. This is a galaxy of armies and war, and while your powerful, do not discard the strength of the normal, the meek, the many. People will die no matter what you do, but leaders that actually care about them, that fight for a good cause might make all the difference."
"Okay people, aside from sticking around to get some Eldar weapons, I'm fine myself, we search for the Black Library next? Or do we do something else?"
"If you search for the Black Library your best bet is to find the Harlequins. They tend to travel around, fighting Chaos here and there." Kaerabryn says