I'm going to preface this with the preamble that will probably surprise precisely no one. That being, I am once again drunk.

I should probably get counseling for that. The addiction seems to be getting out of hand. But be that as it may, that's a problem for another day.

Be that as it may... it seems this is the only way I am able to communicate my thoughts, even in an online space. And right now, I want to say the following.

I've read Jeph's thoughts on the latest comic. That one being the 5k.

First of all and totally non-snarky... congratulations dude. You did more than I probably ever will. At least on the artistic front. As has been mentioned already by Rodin(I think), it couldn't have been easy to come up with a comic every day for 13+ years.

But, as has also already been mentioned... the quality of the comic in its entirety has suffered for it. I will neither be providing the proof for that, nor elaborating on it. I think Jeph and his work speak for themselves.

I am honestly happy he finds enjoyment in his work again. My cynical self is wondering why he pushed for so long if he didn't enjoy it, but hey, we humans are weird like that, so I'll be content with that explanation.

With that in mind... I no longer want to subject myself to this compost. I went back... altogether eleven comics. And I do believe it has cemented what I've long suspected.

Claire is the cancer on this comic. At least as she is portrayed now. And I feel confident in stating that no matter what Jeph does from now on... nothing will ameliorate that disease.

I suspect I knew that for a long time now. I posit the only thing keeping me reading QC was... you guys and gals. And that is not a complaint. I am genuinely grateful to you for that. It was fun reading how much of a quagmire QC has become. I felt validated because of it. It felt... good.

But enough is enough. No more schadenfreude. No more hate-reading.

No more QC. As of now, I am done with it. I wish Jeph and all his characters the best, but I no longer wish to be a part of their journey.

Sadly, this also means no more GitP QC. This topic was pretty much my last link to GitP. Thank you for reading my thoughts and sometimes even replying to them. I liked feeling a part of the group.

I will miss you guys. I will do my best to not check back. But all the same... all the best.

To each any everyone of you. It has been my greatest pleasure.