Felicity Fourhooves
Centaur Paladin 5
AC: 17 HP: 32/44
PP:10 PIv: 09 PIs: 10
Lay on Hands: 25/25 Spell Slots: 4/2

Felicity did not have much. Far from home and a career knight, she possessed little more than clothing, her weapons and armour, and a few personal effects.

Everything she owned was slung in a pack over her back.

She was still a little uncertain about the thin elf mage. She seemed... unwholesome. Felicity didn't like to judge a book by its cover, but some covers just had big scary skulls on them and there was no point in pretending otherwise.

Still, Kunnian and Bil and the Prince all seemed fine. So she was probably just being oversensitive.

It's not like she's fantasizing about cutting me up and studying me like a lab animal after all.

Felicity smiled a wan, uncertain smile.

"I'm ready," she said, "For whatever comes next."