The Scribe watches the transformation with rapt fascination, as well as the handling of the oversized weapons as he takes the only place leftover ... the middle.

A five-foot-wide stairway is situated inside the wall of Kaer Maga itself, accessed through an arched opening at ground level whose surrounding stone is perfectly smooth save for many tiny lines or slits carved haphazardly along its length. The stairs wind upward inside the wall toward the Hanging Manse on the wide, buttressed balcony forty feet above.

As soon as Myki - the first of your group - approaches w/in 5' of the entrance to the stairs, the dozens of lines carved into the archway twist and snap open, revealing blankly staring eyes of the same gray stone. A chorus of high, discordant voices calls out: “No solicitors, petitioners, inquisitors, or social calls! This is your only warning.” With a sound like shuffling cards, all of the eyes swivel to focus on the closest figure, Myki. A single tiny voice then sings out, “This means yooo-oou...”