Quote Originally Posted by Rodin View Post
This is all too harsh.
Absolutely true, I was taking liberties for (what I hope came across as) comedic effect.

At the same time though, your response sort of goes on to prove my point, in a way? Claire probably should have student loans out the wazoo - she's a Master after all, that's another 3 years of school - and no history of employment, as I think she refers to CoD as her first job, at one point? That's where I got the impression that her internship was unpaid, but I may be wrong.

So either her mom has paid (some of? much of?) it for her, or money just doesn't matter except when it does. That makes money not an obstacle, she just has 1/4 share of what Google says is around a $4000 per month apartment on hand for months after she graduated, and we go with it.

Same with the LGBT+ representation - Jeph has chosen not to portray the real world stuff in his comic, which I think was a very wise move as he doesn't have a great track record with his handling of sensitive topics. It does mean that the comic often tries to have its cake and eat it though, as characters monologue about discrimination and bigotry that we never see happen, except for that one time when the funny blue person got mad and her head fell off. We infer that it happens in the comic, but the comic also has robot-people and invisible sentient hovercars that clearly divide it from our world, and it becomes a tell-don't-show thing.

Like I said, they're minor examples, but y'know what I mean? The conflicts end up being kind of toothless because they're so ill-defined, and when they're vague and the efforts to overcome them are handwaved away, I can see how it would look like a problem was easily overcome.