Cheerful Sam | Grepha
Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
AC: 11 HP: 36/55 | AC: 16 HP: 16/26
PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
Bless (Senna) | Raven Form, Mage Armor

The Sewers

"A shame," Grepha remarks as she inspects the many potential, ratty escape tunnels. "Even one of those vermin survives, they will simply spread again." The prospect of chasing them seems pointless, so she begins to help the others search through the items. The imp's mental voice silently entreats Sam, Can you help me search for signs of Gil?

Wiping off as much of the slime as he can from the creature that had wrapped his arms, Sam steps into the den hoard and starts to help his familiar pick through their remains.

Spoiler: Actions
Knowledge checks
(1d20+8)[18] Religion for the star chart
(1d20+8)[24] Religion for the demon skull

Sam&Grepha search the wererats and their trash pile for signs that any of them or any of their victims may have been Gil
(1d20+5)[17] Sam Investigation
(1d20+5)[7] Help